Moms..take a moment and try this soothing recipe for a major wake up session, you know the few minutes we have to ourselves in the a.m.....well this wakes you up and leaves you smelling fresh, cool and minty..oh and a bit orangey too.
Mix these two shower gels (Olay body wash-Radiance ribbons and Bath & body works Cool citrus basil) onto your loofah or body sponge during your next shower!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
work at home gigs for real

Sunday, December 27, 2009
Great cold and flu prevention checklist from
Cold and Flu Prevention Checklist
Get Vaccinated
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the single best way to avoid getting the flu is to get a vaccination. Senior citizens and children under 5 are most strongly urged to get a flu shot, but it's a good idea for anyone. Stay Home If You're Sick
We want to teach our kids the importance of working hard, but it's just good sense to stay home from work or school when you're sick, to prevent the spread of cold and flu germs.
Keep Your Hands Clean
You never know what germs you might be picking up in the course of the day. It's a good idea to wash your hands frequently, especially before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, sneezing, or using the bathroom. Use warm water and soap, and make sure you lather up for 20 seconds!
Cover Your Nose and Mouth When Coughing or Sneezing
Avoid spreading cold and flu germs to others by coughing or sneezing into a tissue. If none is available, don't cough or sneeze into your hands! Instead, turn your head away from nearby people and, if necessary, aim for your shoulder.
Don't Touch Your Eyes, Nose, or Mouth
Germs that might otherwise languish on your hands can easily infiltrate your system when you rub your face. Try to keep your hands away from your face as much as you reasonably can.
Get Plenty of Rest
Your body works overtime to hunt and destroy harmful germs when you're resting or relaxed, but high stress levels leave you susceptible to invasion. Get some rest and give your white blood cells the time they need to do their job.
Avoid Unnecessary Close Contact
It's an unfortunate fact that a person can spread flu germs a full day before exhibiting symptoms, and then up to five days after that. Steer clear of those with flu-like symptoms - they'll understand. And if you're sick, avoid close contact with others.
Eat Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables
Eating right is always important, but particularly during cold and flu season. The vitamins and minerals found in fruits and vegetables can buttress your body's immune system against invaders.
Get Fresh Air and Exercise
It's a myth that low temperatures cause cold and flu. In fact, the culprit is increased, prolonged contact with greater numbers of people. Going outside for a walk means you'll get exercise and get away from potential germ-bearers.
Information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was used in compiling this checklist.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Grab your hubby or BFF and go!
Look up the movie times for this one, grab your hubby or best sista girl and go! This movie gets my 4 star approval. It was hilarious, warm and fuzzy feeling deep down in the gut, and I actually related to some of the scenes in the film, especially the one where she gets dolled up and then stood up....hmmm. If you can get a sitter for the night, do it. Just go. Then afterward stop at the bar for a quick drink with hubby or Chinese with the BFF. The movie was definitely worth heading out in the ongoing Xmas rain for. Check out the trailer.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Give a Gift That Keeps On Giving
This is the perfect time of year to give a gift that will ease some of the stress associated with the holiday season for parents. Consider giving a gift certificate that would equal a contribution to a 529 college savings plan, or donate funds to a child’s investment or other savings vehicle. It not only alleviates some of the burden for the parent or guardian but also provides a foundation for the child’s educational future.
Many 529 programs offer gift certificates as ways for others to assist with the process of saving for someone else's children. These savings programs have become more attractive over the years because of the various tax benefits and savings available to the owners of these investments. The tax advantages include tax free growth on the earnings and federally tax free withdrawals used for qualified education expenses. There may also be a state income tax deduction available for you depending on the state in which you reside. To qualify for the state tax deduction all contributions for that tax year must typically be received by December 31st. One website that offers a great source of information on college savings programs is
Minimum contribution amounts can be as low as $25. If you do not want to purchase gift certificates many 529 plan providers allow for third party contributions; You simply write the check payable to the plan. Although just about anyone may be able to make contributions, only the account owner can take the state income tax deduction; Check with the plan to be certain. Keep in mind that the funds that you invest in the 529 program are not guaranteed.
There are other savings programs available besides the 529 college savings plans. You can give the parent a check payable to the child. Parents can then open an account with their local bank or credit union in their child's name. This is a great way to teach children the value of money and the drive home the importance of saving early on and watching deposits accumulate over time.
Remember that there is no time like the present. You don't need thousands of dollars to build a nest egg for your little ones; It is also never too late to build one. Even if your children, nephews, or nieces are in high school keep in mind that they may be heading off to college or getting married and having their own children one day. A stash for their future endeavors can be a valuable resource when they really need it.
Many 529 programs offer gift certificates as ways for others to assist with the process of saving for someone else's children. These savings programs have become more attractive over the years because of the various tax benefits and savings available to the owners of these investments. The tax advantages include tax free growth on the earnings and federally tax free withdrawals used for qualified education expenses. There may also be a state income tax deduction available for you depending on the state in which you reside. To qualify for the state tax deduction all contributions for that tax year must typically be received by December 31st. One website that offers a great source of information on college savings programs is
Minimum contribution amounts can be as low as $25. If you do not want to purchase gift certificates many 529 plan providers allow for third party contributions; You simply write the check payable to the plan. Although just about anyone may be able to make contributions, only the account owner can take the state income tax deduction; Check with the plan to be certain. Keep in mind that the funds that you invest in the 529 program are not guaranteed.
There are other savings programs available besides the 529 college savings plans. You can give the parent a check payable to the child. Parents can then open an account with their local bank or credit union in their child's name. This is a great way to teach children the value of money and the drive home the importance of saving early on and watching deposits accumulate over time.
Remember that there is no time like the present. You don't need thousands of dollars to build a nest egg for your little ones; It is also never too late to build one. Even if your children, nephews, or nieces are in high school keep in mind that they may be heading off to college or getting married and having their own children one day. A stash for their future endeavors can be a valuable resource when they really need it.
How to Budget Personal Finances : Online Resources for Personal Finance Budgeting from EHow
Check out this video 'How to Budget Personal Finances : Online Resources for Personal Finance Budgeting' from EHow. This video gives you a quick overview of some helpful websites that give great tips and offer information on saving, investing, budgeting, and managing debt.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Okay okay I'm supposed to be writing about saving but heck this is my blog. I can do what I want and I absolutely love this pic of Daddy Djimon Honsou and baby boy Kenzo. It is so precious and touching. I cannot understand how folks can lay eyes on their beautiful children and let so many things happen to them and fail to protect them as parents should. I saw this picture on one of my favorite blogs Black celebrity kids. It's nice to see the celebrities spending quality time with their children. As busy as they are certainly the average person today who doesn't live in the limelight can spend quality time with their kids as well. to grow on.
Better Tv shows us how to recession proof our kids -WATCH
1. Limit the Toy Buying!
Stop buying all these toys and gadgets the kids won't use within the next five years. Instead take the extra funds and put it in an interest bearing account like ING Direct. You can also check and see what other high interest bank accounts with a low minimum starting balance may be available out there. Next time in the grocery store or another outing stick to telling your child no on the additional toy they're crying out for and take that few extra dollars and put it a jar 'marked the stash jar'. Just try adding the few dollars and leftover change to that jar and at the end of the month see how much you have. Try it out, can't knock it until you try it, right?
2. Cut the spending! Free up some money.
Take a second look at your expenses and ask yourself some hard questions. For example:
Can you cut the cable bill in half? (Do you need digital or the extra movie channels?)
Can you cut the cell bill down? Do you need those extra minutes? You need the internet access on the cell?
Can you cut back on eating out so much? Cook more and eat at home, even fire up the grill once in a blue. (Yes the grill can be fired up during winter months, we're talking about a grill not the pool)
Can you downsize to a smaller car and cut the car note down a bit? Insurance?
What other bills can you cut back on? (Shopping..)
3. Gifts from Family and Friends
This is a good opportunity. The next time your family member like grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc and friends offer to pick up something or grab the next birthday gift, mention a contribution to a 529, savings bonds or savings account for the kids. You could consider opening a account at your local bank in the child's name and have that family member or friend write that check out to the child. Better yet a lot of 529 providers offer gift certificates now. How about Upromise. Heard of that? Well Upromise is a program that allows you to take some of your money from purchases you make, like 2-3% and have those funds deposited directly into a Upromise Rewards account. Over time these deposits can really add up and after the balance reaches a certain amount, Upromise will begin transferring those funds to your 529. (Only a 529 managed/affiliated with Upromise). They also offer a savings incentive called UGIFT where folks with 529s can encourage their family and friends to make contributions to their child's 529 account. Check out for more information on some of these programs.
4. Tax Rebates, Credits (like the Earned Income Credit), Income Tax Return moneys
When you get some extra funds after filing your tax returns consider using the extra funds or at least some of the money towards starting that savings account you've been putting off.
5. A raise or unexpected bonus at work
Okay the economy sucks and most folks are worrying about keeping their jobs. I know, I know however some companies are still pretty stable. Yes these companies and jobs exist. When things pick back up and if a performance increase, bonus or other raise comes through take advantage of this. Immediately consider putting at least half of the extra money into a savings account of some sort for your child/children and perhaps the other in your retirement or rainy day stash. You'll be living like you never received the raise as you were before. The extra funds goes somewhere that can accumulate over time and earn some interest for the kids. Try checking out a plan with your local bank or an investment where the funds can be pulled directly from your paycheck or bank account on a set schedule like an automatic debit program.
Top 10 must sees with the kids this holiday season
#1 The movie 'The Princess and the Frog'
Finally a beautiful black woman as the star..and contributions from the best names in the biz, Oprah, Terrence Howard, and a host of others.
#2 A Charlie Brown Christmas
This is timeless and great for adults and kids.
#3 Rudolph the Red nose reindeer
All time classic, what's not to love..too cute. There was even a little Destiny child version inspired by the
#4 Frosty
So cute little Frosty. Again these cartoons are classics especially since adults and kids get a kick out of them.
#5 How the Grinch stole Christmas
Don't front you and everybody else has been a grinch at some point or another.
#6 A Christmas Carol
the original and the remake rocks!
#7 Home Alone
This movie is a classic and still makes me laugh.
#8 Gremlins
This is funny and another all time old school favorite of mine. I don't suggest watching with little ones under 5.
#9 Four Christmases
I laughed a lot watching this and what's not to love about crazy behind Vince Vaughn. :)
#10 The Preacher's Wife
This was a gem and pleasant to watch...left you warm and fuzzy inside.
I know there's more but these are my top 10 I am in love with and will try and watch every year moving forward.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
What's the big deal on interest rates anyway?
The rate banks use to determine what to charge their most credit worthy customers is called the prime rate (which is 2% above the federal fund rate). A well established company could borrow at a prime rate of 6% where as a less established company could borrow at 8%. This is why your credit almost always is the determining factor when it comes to the bottom line regarding how high the interest rate will be on the funds you borrow.
The other way interest rates affect your wallet is through the various loans we purchase for example a credit card or bank loan like an auto, home loan or line of credit. You can purchase a loan through a credit union and pay a large difference when it comes to your interest rate. The rate could be pretty low perhaps less than 5.00% if you take a secured loan which means you have to put up collateral. Let’s say you wanted a $2,000 loan. You would need to make sure you have the available $2,000 in a savings account at the institution to use as collateral for the loan. The financial institution will hold the funds and the money becomes more available to you as payments are made. This can help you rebuild or establish credit and allow you to use the money for whatever the loan is needed for. Another option is looking at a secured credit card if you desire to borrow a lower amount for example just a few hundred dollars. The big difference here is the credit card interest rate could be well over 10.00%. You still have to fork out the $300 dollars or more to secure the credit the institution would give you however you could wind up paying out more money in the long run but can also rebuild or establish credit.
Keep these things in mind when you are deciding to either purchase that cute $300 handbag, get that sexy $150+ pair of boots or stash the money away in your savings. Remember your credit worthiness and spending habits mean a great deal to you and the financial institution you choose to borrow from. This really does affect your goals in the long run.
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